Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Seven Randon Things About Me

I've been tagged by are 7 random things about ME! (although I am pretty

First, the rules...
1) Link to the person who tagged you
2) Post the rules on your blog
3) Write 7 random things about yourself
4) Tag 7 people at the end of your post and link to them
5) Let each person know they have been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
6) Let the tagger know when your entry is up

Here are my random things....

1. I don't like sitting in the back seat of my own vehicle...I don't mind in other people's vehicle...but in mine...I get very very anxious...I don't like it all!

2. I have always wanted to work at Williams-Sonoma!

3. I am a clean freak...yes...I have admitted it!

4. I think my feet are too small for my body!

5. I LOVE to people watch! In grocery stores, the mall, etc...everywhere!

6. I want a tattoo desperately...but I am too chicken to do it!

7. After writing the past 6 things...I have come to the conclusion that I am weird!

I am tagging...Tiffany, Wendy and Amber!


Amy Woods said...

Good job!! I like your clean freak one. I wouldn't call myself a clean freak...well, maybe I would. I just like my house straight an awful lot!

Wendy said...

Hey, I've been tagged before, posted mine several months ago. I enjoy reading these. Oh---and don't get a tattoo! I'll have to hurt you. It's one of those things you would prob. regret down the line.