Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Mike's Graduation

Now for the best day of the year...MIKE'S GRADUATION. Mike has been working on finishing his bachelor degree for about 2 1/2 years now and has finally finished. With lots of hard work and lots of sacrificing...he did it! And of course it was all worth it! (so now you see why I haven't blogged lately)

Mike graduated from University of Houston Downtown...and I forgot what his degree is in...(I will get back with you on that ) on Sunday, December 21st at 2:00. I am so proud of him for all of his hard work and dedication. He does want to go for his masters, but I think he is going to take a break.

After the graduation we went back home to have a little celebration with friends and family. Both, Mike and I, were overwhelmed with our family and friends who made an effort to celebrate with us. We are truly blessed to have such great family and friends. Mike's mom and dad come in from Lafayette, Louisiana and spent a couple of days with us and we very much appreciate them for doing that. Mike's Uncle Larry and Aunt Holly came down for the day from Midlothian, Texas to join us for the ceremony and party. My Aunt Nolia and Uncle Howard came from across Houston, my parents and brother and two sets of neighbors. I can't thank everyone enough for supporting and celebrating with us. I was truly overwhelmed with this wonderful day!

Allyse's Dancing Class

Allyse's dancing class put on a little show for the parents before we breaked for the holidays. Keep in mind this is Allyse's first year in dancing and is the largest girl in her class. Turn up your speakers!

Christmas Parties

So if everyone has wondered if the Doiron's have disappeared from Earth..well we haven't...we have just been so busy. I have been working on Jacob and Allyse's school parities since the beginning of October. On December 18th...I finally made it! The parties took place on December 18th and it was the most exhausting day I have had all year. I love volunteering but I have to was a long process. My wonderful husband took a vacation day to help me out that day....and I am so glad he did because I would have not made it through the day without him. The good news is the kids had a blast and Mike was able to snap a few photos for here you go!

Snow Day snowed in Houston...but not really! My kids were so excited that is "snowed" ...they actually have never seen they were pretty happy. Here are some pics of them playing in the snow.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The meaning of VOLUNTEERING

Allyse came home yesterday and said that her friend's (can't remember her name) mom came to eat with her at school. This is the conversation between Allyse and the mom: (this is exactly what Allyse told me)

the Mom: What does your mom do...does she work?
Allyse: No..she stays at home, but works at school for no money.
the Mom: So you mean she VOLUNTEERS at school
Allyse:....Oh Yeah...that's what you call it!

5 year olds!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas Wish Lists and Family Movie Night

Hello All ~ Sorry I have not blogged lately we have just been so busy. Mike has 2 more weeks of school and then Graduation!!!! We are so proud of his great accomplishment. With Graduation comes homework and he has been hard at work and hard at homework. It's almost over!

I have taken on Room Mom Coordinator at Jacob & Allyse's school. I am in charge of all the room moms for the entire school...and though I knew this would be a huge commitment...I really had no idea. I have had little time to Christmas shop or even clean house. I should have thought about the fact that Mike would be graduating in December and the Holiday Party I would be in charge of...I love volunteering...but I think I was a little over my head. Anyway...after December 18th (the party) I will defiantly be celebrating with a bottle of wine :)!

Jacob & Allyse have had so many things going on with Cub Scouts and Daisy's they are hard at work helping out around the community...I am so proud of them! Allyse is going caroling Friday night so stay tuned for pictures!

And now onto our family tradition...a Christmas Wish List. I have taken a picture of it so you everyone can see Allyse's list. She wants to learn to read and spell so bad...she works hard on you will appreciate her list. These are the years you never get back!

Friday night J & A's school had their first "Family Movie Night". It was held in the cafeteria and they served hot chocolate and cookies. The movie was "The Polar Express". The kids had a blast. Mike was not able to make it because he has to finish his paper! Which he did! Here are some pictures from last Friday night!

Jacob & Allyse enjoying Hot Choc and Cookies!

Jacob and a friend from school.

Lilly (our neighbor) and Allyse

This is a pic of me and my friend Steph. We are on the PTO together and have become really good good that we both went to Target and got the same PJ's with out each other knowing...good thing they are different patterns. When I got home that night I showed the pic to Mike and when I looked at it...I look pregnant...and Jacob said...not really...but just a little! Thanks Jacob!